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Western Canadian Crop Production Show Jan 14 – 16

By January 22, 2025January 23rd, 2025No Comments

We want to thank our friends in Saskatchewan for a wonderful time at the Western Canadian Crop Production Show this year. We met many new faces as well as a few old ones, and we discussed topics that are an increasing concern across Saskatchewan. One item of particular importance is the presence of Glyphosate-Resistant Kochia. Kochia can grow up to 6 ft tall and is tolerant to drought making Saskatchewan a prime environment for growth. Some management practices include cover cropping with a manageable variety or performing tillage earlier in its life cycle preventing seed growth. Is it on your farm? Find out more here!

Where’s the aircraft?

We had a discussion with one farmer who shared that they only use aerial applications when they are falling behind spraying their fields. As many of our discussions suggested, securing an aerial applicator at the perfect time can be difficult and often can be critical to their crop’s performance. An influx of last-minute requests for fungicides, herbicides, or insecticides can leave applicators scrambling to ensure they meet all farmers’ deadlines. Weather will ultimately be the determining factor on whether a farmer will be spraying or not, and there are likely dozens of neighbours who are in the same boat. Our recommendation: communicate with your local applicator in advance to establish a plan of attack. If a lot of fields are coming up simultaneously, it might be best to tackle the fields together right from the start rather than wait until the last couple of days of the window. The applicator will likely be able to work with you in your time of need, knowing you came to the table early.

Worried about securing an aerial applicator this season? Why Wait? Contact us today!


Congratulations to Darrick Fehr, the winner of our Winter Survival Gift Pack! Stay warm, my friend.